Monday, June 22, 2009

Words of wisdom, and nude girls.

In honor of the Father's Day that happened yesterday I'd like to show y'all a quote from a book I'm reading (A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Toltz). To put it in context, this is a journal entry written by a new dad who's terrified of parenthood:

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry what terrible tomorrows we'll have together what shabby luck your soul fell into the body of my son my son your father is love's lonely cripple. I'll teach you how to decipher all the confused faces by closing your eyes & how to cringe when someone says the words "your generation." I will teach you how not to demonize your enemies & how to make yourself unappetizing when the hordes turn up to eat you. I'll teach you how to yell with your mouth closed & how to steal happiness & how the only real joy is singing yourself hoarse & nude girls & how never to eat in an empty restaurant & how not to leave the windows of your heart open when it looks like rain & how everyone has a stump where something necessary was amputated. I'll teach you how to know what's missing.

Pretty cool, eh?



  1. my grandmother was a crazy cat lady. she was also a huge prescription drug addict...

  2. how not to leave the windows of your heart open when it looks like rain is a lesson many of us are still trying to learn, yes, very cool
